The Herald Bros Co was a small appliance company based in Cleveland, Ohio, like many companies at the time the owners would place an order from a reputable maker in Soligen, Sheffield or some other reputable industrial maker and then have their mark stamped onto it. This practice makes these razors somewhat unique in the markings, with very little information on the makers or distributors. Luckily all vinatage blades are quite good, and one do not really have to worry about the quality of the steel, if it is in a usable condition it will do its job!
Let us know how it shaves and also if you come across some useful information on this company and the wares they produced.
This razor weighs 36 grams, the blade is 5/8 ths, or around 16 mm high, and has a cutting edge of around 67 mm. It is in a fair condition and honed up quickly and effortlessly. The razor has steel bolsters making it a bit more unique that most straight razors of the time, the blade have some marks on it but is oxidation and rust free. The scales are in good condition making this a nice option in the cheaper category of German razors.
*Vintage razors are priced according to model and availability, time spent cleaning and reconditioning and time/level of honing. Please enquire if you need additional work done to this razor prior to purchase. All straight razors will require a stropping on a leather strop before every use. Pics are unedited (detail) and provide a true image of the condition of the razor.