Atoma Diamond plates and sheets

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Atoma diamond plates and sheets are used for the sharpening of various tools and razors, and are also used to flatten or lap softer compounds such as synthetic or natural honing stones. They are hard wearing and likes to work quick and hassle free.  Atoma surfaces are well made, they are perfectly flat with evenly distributed compounds that are precisely graded. They  are manufactured in the form of precisely placed clusters of monocrystalline diamonds laid out in a pattern on the surface of a stainless steel sheet. This arrangement creates a even, fast cutting surface that is more aggressive than randomly placed diamonds, as you would get with similar products. The geometric patterning creates channels between the clusters where waste material collects, allowing it to get out of the way so the stone continues to cut without clogging.  The chips themselves are exclusively monocrystalline diamonds, which are much more expensive than their polycrystalline brothers, and also far more durable. They are fused to the plate using an electrolytic process.

We offer these sharpening essentials in all grits with the option of loose plates and bases so that each user can configure them to suit their own sharpening routine.